Track flow button clicks

In this guide you can learn how to track if a button in a flow tooltip/speech bubble/modal is clicked. This is e.g useful in cases where you have buttons that navigates to an external URL like a webinar or similar using a Navigate to Page action.

Button tracking scenario

While Userflow does not offer a native way for tracking this, we have two methods for doing it.

Method 1: Track button click with a hidden step

Add a hidden step that triggers if the button is clicked that has a trigger that is always true (Water is wet) and move the actions from the button to the trigger. Make sure you always include a dismiss action so the user won’t get stuck on the hidden step. By having this hidden step you can now track how many clicked the button, by looking at the Analytics for the given step.

Note: If the button connects naturally to another non-hidden step, you can use the same method to track the clicks.

Button tracking via hidden step

Method 2: Track button click with user attribute

Add a Set attribute action to the button that e.g. sets a binary (true/false) user attribute to true when the button is clicked.

If you allow users to see the flow multiple times and want to count the # of button clicks per user you can alternatively use a user attribute of the number type. Using this type of attribute allows you do a Set attribute action where you add increments of the number to the attribute. E.g. first click would set it to 1, 2nd click to 2, etc.

With this user attribute approach you will be able to create overviews/segments of the users who clicked the button in the users list. See Users and Segments for more info.

Button tracking via set attribute

What if I want to track a tooltip target click?

You can use the same two methods for tooltips where there are no subsequent steps and you want to track if the user clicked the target element.

But note if you are looking to track if UI elements in your app are clicked in general, you should look at our Trackers functionality instead.

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