Resource center
best practices

A resource center is an amazing way to onboard and provide continuous support for your end users.

Learn how you can build an amazing resource center using Userflow.

What is a resource center?

In the first video of the series Userflow co-founder Esben Friis-Jensen introduces you to what a resource center is and some of the powers of having it in your SaaS application.

Self-help widget

With a Userflow resource center, you can empower users find help on their own, directly in your app.


By having the resource center always on users can get quality support without you being online.


A resource center can be used for multiple things, like checklists, knowledge base search and more.


A great thing to include in a resource center is a checklist that gives users the possibility to do task-by-task onboarding. Learn how to do it in this video.

Onboard task-by-task

By embedding a checklist in your resource center you allow users to feel accomplishment by completing a set of initial onboarding tasks.

Target the right users

You can set auto-start conditions with user attributes for your checklist to target the right users with the right onboarding.

Allow users to dismiss/reopen

By using a conditional resource center action block you can allow users to dismiss and reopen the checklist on demand.

AI Assistant

With the latest developments in generative AI having a AI assistant in your resource center has become a need-to-have. See how you can create your own AI assistant in this video.

Give high quality automatic answers

With a AI assistant you can give high quality answers to support questions from your customers.

Knowledge base/website as input

You can use your knowledge base, website or other sources as input to the AI assistant.

Reduce human support

With an AI assistant you can reduce the need for support done by humans.

Knowledge base search

Besides from the AI assistant, having a structured knowledge base search can be a great functionality for end users who prefer this. See how you can add it using Userflow in this video.

Structured article search

Allow customers to do a structured keyword search for articles in your knowledge base.

Just add the link

You can setup a knowledge base search by simply adding your knowledge base link to Userflow.

Multi-provider support

Connect with Zendesk, Freshdesk, HubSpot, and any custom knowledge base.

Live chat integration

The AI assistant and knowledge base search will get you far. But some questions require a human interaction. For that Userflow connects with your favorite live-chat provider.

Human support

You should always offer human support as a last resort to avoid users being stuck.

Connect to live-chat providers

Userflow allows you to easily connect the resource center with your live-chat provider of choice.

Self-service first

With the chat as a subitem in the resource center, users can seek help themselves before starting a chat.

Messages and announcements

As the resource center becomes the always-on widget for your customers, it is great for sharing targeted messages and announcing news like webinars, and more.


Announce webinars, product features and more with messages or subpages.

Embed images and videos

Userflow allows you to embed images and videos in the message to make the content more engaging.

Target the right users

Add conditions for when a message or subpage should show to target the right users at the right time.