Target flows and checklists with segments

You can now use your reusable segments to target flows and checklists.

Segment condition

Find the new Segment option under Add condition in the builder. It works with both user and group segments, which you can set up on the Users and Groups pages.

Tracking of when groups were last/first seen

We now automatically track when groups were last/first seen in your app, just like we do for users. This is great for telling how active a group is in aggregate, or for finding inactive groups.


We now also recommend sending the signed_up_at attribute in your call (see Userflow.js docs). Along with Group Last Seen, Group Signed Up will be shown by default in all the group segments and on the group profile page.

Upgraded Users page

We recently set out to build the best UI on the Internet to browse user/company profiles.

This initiative resulted in a large upgrade to our Users page, which now let you filter based on any attribute, sort on any attribute, select which columns to display, and save it all in reusable segments.


Let’s dig into it.

Read full post

Attribute and event management

You can now manage your attributes and events directly in the Userflow UI.

Check out the new Attributes and Events menu items under Settings. Here you can:

  • Create new attributes/events so you can use them in your flows even before they’re set/tracked by your app. Note that you can also create attributes/events directly from most dropdown fields.
  • Rename the Display name of existing attributes/events.
  • Change the data type of an attribute, e.g. from Text to a Number.
  • Delete attributes/events that you’re no longer using.

Attributes settings

Launcher builder facelift

We’ve deployed a small facelift to our launcher builder today. We think this makes it more intuitive, streamlines some wording, and hides away some complexity when it’s not needed.

The main difference is a consolidation of settings that are now centered around the Behavior column, split between a When and a Then section. This is where you decide when the launcher should activate (e.g. on hover or on click), and what should happen (show a tooltip or perform an action).

New launcher builder

Automatic flow completion

Until today, for a user to complete a flow they had to visit a step that you had explicitly marked as a completion step in the flow builder.

We realized that this is in most cases unnecessary work. We now automatically mark the last step of a flow as the completion step. It will be shown as a gray checkered flag in the builder:

1 automatic completion step

It even works if you have multiple last steps, i.e. if your flow branches into 2 paths:

2 automatic completion steps

You can overrule the automatic completion step(s) if you want. Simply click a step’s settings block and then enable Explicit completion step. Notice how Step 2 now has a green checkered flag and Step 3 is no longer a completion step:

Explicit completion step

Complete checklist task on click

We’ve made it easier to mark a checklist task as completed when a user clicks it.

This was possible before, but included tracking a custom event in the action and then using that event in the Mark completed condition.

Now it’s as easy as picking the new Task is clicked condition:

Task is clicked

We now also keep track of how many user click each task. This can be seen in the Task breakdown on the checklist’s Analytics page.

Task breakdown

Note that task click tracking only works going forward. So for your existing checklists, you’ll only see future data.

No-code Event Tracking

Today we’re proud to release a new powerful Userflow feature: No-code Event Tracking.

We’ve been wanting to provide our non-technical users with an easy way to track what end-users do in their apps, without having to ask their developers to instrument their code with track() calls.

With No-code Event Tracking, users can set up event trackers directly from our UI, without code. A tracker consists of a condition (under which circumstances the tracker should fire) and an event (which event should be tracked).

Example: Track a “Project Created” event when the “Create project” button is clicked. Or track an “Upgrade Prompt Seen” event when a text prompting the user to upgrade their plan becomes visible on the page.

Tracker builder

Tracked events can be used to auto-start flows, mark checklist tasks as completed, and can be streamed to analytics providers such as Amplitude and Mixpanel.

No-code Event Tracking vs. explicit/implicit tracking

There’s an ancient (in web terms) battle between explicit tracking and implicit tracking.

Explicit tracking is where your developers instrument your app with track() calls that explicitly track events when users take certain actions in your app, such as clicking a button. It has the benefit of being very clean and very robust. Its downside is that non-technical team members always have to wait for developers to implement tracking, and have a hard time actually verifying the events. Events also can’t be analysed retroactively, i.e. you only get data going forward. Popular explicit tracking tools include Amplitude and Mixpanel.

Implicit tracking is where a piece of JavaScript in your app is continually streaming all clicks (and sometimes content, too) from your app to their third-party database. You can then in a no-code fashion tag elements in your app, and the tools can figure out e.g. how many people have clicked a certain button over time. The benefits here are that non-technical team members can analyze usage without bothering developers (besides the initial installation), and that events can be analysed retroactively since all old clicks are stored as well. A large privacy/security risk concerning implicit tracking is the possibility of accidentally leaking sensitive information to the third-party provider. Another common criticism is the messy data that it generates. Popular implicit tracking tools include Heap and Pendo.

Userflow’s No-code Event Tracking sits somewhere in-between explicit and implicit tracking:

  • It’s fast to get started with. Non-technical team members can set up trackers easily via our no-code UI. No need to wait for developers.
  • It’s privacy/security-friendly. All trackers run 100% client-side. No content leaves your users’ browsers.
  • It’s more robust/accurate. Regular implicit tracking is usually limited to matching elements via very simple CSS selectors, which are brittle. Since our trackers run client-side, we can employ much more sophisticated algorithms for recognizing elements, and support multiple conditions that have to be true at the same time.
  • It’s clean. We only track what you ask us to track, meaning your data is as clean as you make it.

The only downside No-code Event Tracking has vs. regular implicit tracking is that it does not work retroactively. That’s to ensure privacy and security compliance. This is also the way things work in the explicit world.

We believe our No-code Event Tracking is a novel solution that will fit well where classic explicit or implicit tracking fall short.

Is Userflow now an analytics provider?

In Userflow we only provide very basic analytics around how many times each event has been tracked and by which users.

We still strongly recommend pairing Userflow with an advanced analytics provider such as Amplitude, Mixpanel, Heap or similar. These tools allow you to make funnel analysis, compare multiple events, view breakdowns and all sorts of other stuff that we do not want to build into Userflow.

No-code Event Tracking is mainly meant to get SaaS businesses started with event tracking and to better control their onboarding flows based on events.

Video walkthrough

Let’s dig into it in this short video!

Read more on the No-code Event Tracking doc page.

Do you know your ideal customer profile?

From my experience with both Userflow and Cobalt, I have seen the power of knowing your ideal customer profile (ICP). I have also seen the frustration it can bring if you or your organization don’t know it.

Ideal customer profile

In this blog post I will explain why an ICP is important and how you can identify and define it.

Read full post

Accessibility improvements

We’ve released a series of accessibility improvements to Userflow.js, which makes it easier to use various Userflow elements in your app with keyboard and screen readers.

Watch the video for a full walkthrough:

List of improvements

  • All content is now properly marked with role and aria- attributes.
  • Steps are represented by alertdialog elements, which make screen readers announce them when they appear.
  • We now auto-focus the first button (or question) in steps for modals, or if previous step also had focus (we keep focus inside the Userflow chrome).
  • We trap focus on modal steps. When user Tabs with their keyboard, it’ll cycle around the Userflow buttons and won’t leave the modal.
  • We moved toolbar buttons, such as the X-close-icon, last in the tab order.
  • When Userflow closes, we automatically revert focus to the element in your app that was previously active.
  • Pressing Escape now closes the flow (and reverts focus to your app).
  • Accessibility of questions have been improved.
  • Checklist and checklist launcher accessibility has been improved. Focus is now moved nicely between launcher and checklist when opened/minimized.

Future improvements

We have several ideas on how to improve accessibility of non-modal speech bubble steps and tooltips. Watch the video above to hear about that!

We always welcome feedback, so if there’s anything accessibility-wise that you’d love to see from Userflow, just reach out to us.